- Agnese Magnani
- Gabriella Tamasi
- Michael McCormick
- Susanna Widicus Weaver
- Tracy Morkin McGill
Gabriella Tamasi - Coordinator of Summer School
Annalisa Santucci - Chair of Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry & Pharmacy, and Director Biochemistry & Molecular Biology PhD School
Stefano Mangani - Director Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences PhD School
Alessandro Donati – Rector Delegate for Student Life & President of Chemistry Undergraduate Schools
Maurizio Taddei – President of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology Undergraduate Studies
Lorenza Trabalzini - President of Pharmacy Undergraduate Studies, Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry & Pharmacy Didactic Activity Delegate
Agnese Magnani - Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry & Pharmacy Research Delegate
Adalgisa Sinicropi - Representative of Scientific Area in the Internationl Commission of University of Siena
Stefan Lutz - Chair of Department of Chemistry, Emory University
Michael McCormick
Susanna Widicus Weaver
Tracy Morkin McGill
Matthew Weinschenk
Douglas Moulford
Josè Soria
Vincent Conticello
Nathan Jui
Francesco Evangelista
Simon Blakey
James Kindt
Justin Gullivan