Students enrolled in the first year of Chemistry - Deadline for achievement of English B2/2 level: February 28, 2017
We would like to remember that to be admitted to the Master of Science in Chemistry students have to achieve skills in English language at least at B2/2 level, as established by the Common European framework of reference for languages of the Council of Europe.
For those students who didn't achieve this certificate yet, the Centro Linguistico di Ateneo will test the knowledge of the English language level and will provide with suitable courses.
Students enrolled in the first year of Master in Chemistry must achieve the B2/2 level in English language by February 28, 2017
The Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, activated free preparatory PRE-COURSES in the following subjects:
1) General and Inorganic Chemistry;
2) Physical Chemistry;
3) Organic Chemistry.
for information: prof. Alessandro Donati